Mixed Water Training with Certification
Level 1
Course Description
The three primary modules are Introduction to Kayaking, Introduction to Paddle Boarding, Junior Raft Guide training and on-land ropes safety course. Certified instructors host modules with the learning objective in mind.
Learning Objective
Introduction of safety and skills required for entry level into self-propelled water sports. After the completion of this course students will be able to identify basic parts of the raft, kayak, Stand up paddle board and related personal protective equipment. Students will be able to perform basic maneuvers in a kayak, paddle board and raft. Teamwork is an integral part of our leaning objectives as students will work as a team to accomplish tasks together. Participants will have the opportunity to challenge themselves with respect to their individual comfort level and confidence. Alternative more user-friendly water craft will be available for those experiencing discomfort or difficulty in maneuvering. All craft and equipment are maintained and inspected on a regular basis to ensure a quality experience. At the completion of this course students will be able to experience different watercraft to potentially build preferences and pursue self-propelled water sports. Water Safety is a major component of the course. Students are encouraged to take their learning experience outside of the course and promote safe water sports to peers and build a foundation of a lifetime of safe enjoyment of local waterways and beyond.