Our passion for self propelled sports like kayaking, canoeing and floating inspired us in building a business.
Our team strives to create fun, meaningful experiences on the river while minimizing our impact. By sharing our love of the river with our guests, we hope to leave them with a lasting appreciation for healthy river ecosystems like the Slocan River.

Sustainability and Endless Adventure
Sustainability has been a guiding force behind Endless Adventure ever since the early days, when the company was just a thought, a dream, a seedling. Paddle sports are an inherently sustainable activity as it’s just you and your craft, harnessing the energy of gravity, wind, and water to explore the natural environment. Our passion for self propelled sports like kayaking, canoeing and floating inspired us in building a business.
After discovering WildWays in Crescent Valley, a retail store with an interest in paddle sports, we saw our dreams start to materialize. The location alongside the Slocan River was perfect, ideal for sustainable logistics and inspiring views. Soon, we bought the shop and began to build on our dreams of a sustainable paddling business.
Deepening connections to our natural environment
Endless Adventure has been sharing the magic of watersports for almost two decades. Countless school groups, camps, corporate teams, tourists and families have experienced our stunning natural environment with the team at Endless leading the way. It is our hope that our trips will help foster an appreciation for our rivers and promote a lasting desire to see these essential ecosystems protected.
Nature based tourism is driven by the observation and appreciation of nature and the traditional cultures prevailing in the area. At Endless Adventure, we pride ourselves on our strong commitment to sharing our love and passion for the river ecosystem. Each staff member, from the booking team on the phone to your guide on the river shares a deep love and respect for the river and are keen to share it with you. All of our staff members have chosen to work and play in the Slocan Valley for a multitude of complementary reasons and we all bring our own unique flavour to the Endless Adventure experience based on our interests. Some staff focus on the rich bird and animal life we can observe while paddling through diverse riparian areas while others focus on the fascinating history of the Slocan Valley and the importance of culture in our lives. The science of hydrology and how whitewater works is another passion for some. Plants, trees, invasive species, insects, amphibians, geology, and natural energies are all up for discussion in our mega rich natural playground. Have a chat with any member of our team and you can’t help but feel the appreciation and love in their hearts. It’s a contagious feeling and one you’ll want to experience.
Fossil Fuels and our operations
While our focus is on self-propelled adventure, some trips do require a short vehicle shuttle. We strive to keep our tour shuttles as short as possible to minimize our use of fossil fuels: 20 kilometers max. Our premier trip is under 10km. The average time spent in a vehicle is just over 8 minutes. We are committed to making the jump to electric vehicles once our existing fleet
needs replacing but in the meantime, enjoy the comfort of booking with a company who prides themselves on our low impact logistics. Given our awesome location, we are able to walk either to or from the river no matter which trip you choose!
One of our best assets as a tourism company is our location at the gateway to the beautiful Slocan Valley. The West Kootenay region attracts many travelers and we strive to direct our marketing to guests that are already in the area, offering an exciting, educational and immersive experience that fits into their existing travel plans. This focus on local marketing ensures both travelers and locals have the opportunity to experience our offerings without the impacts of global marketing. We do not encourage tourists to drive, fly, or travel major distances to experience our river. We’d rather focus on adding value to the experience for those travelers already touring the West Kootenay region. Regardless of how they get here, once visitors show up at Endless, their mode of transportation switches gear to self-propelled river travel. We encourage guests to slow down and immerse themselves in the beauty and magic of the Slocan River, an experience that can easily become the highlight of a West Kootenay trip!
Over half of our river staff live on the property and are steps away from work, further minimizing the need for extra fossil fuel consumption.
Buy Local
Endless Adventure takes pride in supporting our local partners and businesses. We take any opportunity to support local eateries, attractions, small businesses, and accommodations when sourcing products and services. Whether you are looking for an apres rafting lunch, snacks, beverages, or your next adventure we will gladly suggest a local partner.
We strive to support local businesses, consciously purchasing products that align with our sustainability goals and partnering with sustainably minded organizations whenever possible. Local artists have graced our property with murals, local eateries prepare fresh and locally sourced food for our courses, and we source as much of our gear and equipment as we can from local, Canadian, North American markets.
Small company with a big impact
Endless Adventure is a small team-oriented company that operates like a family. Our crew works hard to ensure that everyone involved is having fun and learning a few things too.
When our company sets afloat on the river, our trips are typically small in size, minimizing our impact on the river environment. We tread lightly and always implement “Leave no trace” standards when operating. Endless Adventure directly supports the maintenance of these natural areas which are used as ecotourism attractions by generating economic benefits for host communities, managing natural areas with conservation in mind, providing alternative employment and income opportunities for local communities and increasing awareness towards the conservation of natural and cultural assets, both among locals and tourists. We work with the Invasive Species Council, Valhalla Wilderness Society, local Indigenous groups, and many other like minded groups to create a cohesive community with a shared goal of minimizing negative impacts upon the natural and socio-cultural environment.